Extending Resources

Acss's resources (AcssResource) support extensions. Currently we have some common resource types built-in, and you can also define your own resource types.

Built-in resource types

  1. Brush

  2. Color

  3. Double

  4. Int

  5. LinearBrush

  6. Thickness

  7. Transition

  8. BoxShadows

More built-in resource types will be added later in the programme.

Custom Resource Types

Acss's resources all inherit from the abstract class AcssResourceBaseAndFac, defined as follows:

public abstract class AcssResourceBaseAndFac<T> : AcssResource, IResourceFactory 
    where T : AcssResource, new()

You can inherit this class to extend your own resource types, for example in the following code we extend the resource type that defines Thickness.

The aliases for this type are "Thickness", "Thick", "StrokeThickness", " Margin", "Padding". Any of these aliases will be resolved to a Thickness resource in Acss code.

Note that aliases are not case insensitive. thick and thick refer to the same resource type, Thickness.

internal class ThicknessResource : AcssResourceBaseAndFac<ThicknessResource>
    protected override object? BuildValue(IAcssContext context, string valueString)
        return valueString.TryParseThickness();

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